7 tricks for cracking trackers

Written by Niels Schillewaert / Katia Pallini

Brand trackers are among the most static, repetitive, and unidimensional research solutions. While they provide a finger on the pulse, they often lead to frustrations amongst their users. Read here how you can turn the tide and make brand trackers future-proof.

6 principles of persuasive marketing: how to influence people

Written by Niels Schillewaert

Today, consumers function as a brand’s amplifiers, which is why brands should actively invest in creating contagious content. Or as Jonah Berger puts it, conversation content should be STEPPS, a six-letter acronym for more persuasive marketing.

Var x Sonic Branding - a podcast by InSites Consulting

Var x Sonic Branding [podcast]

What does your brand sound like? Our previous podcast episode talked about distinctive assets, those brand identifiers that are easily…

Podcast - Duvel x Distinctive Assets by InSites Consulting

Duvel x Distinctive Assets [podcast]

Written by Katia Pallini

What brand comes to mind when… you see two golden arches? When you see a pair of sneakers with a…

Designing the right brand tracker for your ‘Brand Religion’

Designing the right brand tracker for your ‘Brand Religion’

Written by Anita Peerdeman / Niels Schillewaert

Brand trackers serve as an ongoing finger on the pulse, gaining insights into the extent to which a brand is…

Co-creating brand innovations for a post-lockdown reality

Brand advertising must acknowledge COVID-19 to cut through

Written by Heather Tluczek

As the COVID-19 lockdown continues, consumers are forced to navigate an evolving reality and the range of emotions that it…

No two brands are the same, so why are they measured in the same way?

Written by Niels Schillewaert

No two brands are the same – they have different objectives, serve different needs, are in different stages of their…

Brand Religions: the 3 beliefs of the Penetration Religion

Written by Niels Schillewaert / Katia Pallini

“Sales growth won’t come from relentlessly targeting a particular segment of a brand’s buyers; this fantasy is harming marketing effectiveness.”…

Brand Religions: the 3 beliefs of the Experience Religion

Written by Niels Schillewaert

Why spend the night at an ordinary campsite, if you can pitch your tent in someone’s garden and make new…

Brand Religions: the 3 beliefs of the Influencer Religion

Written by Niels Schillewaert

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is; it is what consumers tell each other it…

Are you losing your brand religion?

Written by Niels Schillewaert

Should brands go mute, or should they rather raise their voice louder than ever? What is the appropriate time to…


There is a sonic branding revolution going on and you are not ready for it

Written by Hakim Zemni

Ever since the Amazon Echo’s exponential rise to popularity in 2016, smart speakers have been the coolest new applications, on…

Do faces speak louder than words?

Do faces speak louder than words?

The use of facial recognition in advertising research. As published in the June-July 2018 edition of the Australian Market and Social…

Mighty easy to escape the commodity magnet

Mighty easy to escape the commodity magnet?

Written by Kristof De Wulf

As published in MarketingTribune on May 1, 2018. In 1992, Rangan and Bowman wrote their Harvard Business Review article on…

Book Open Light Hands

Does next-generation marketing come with a religion?

Written by Katia Pallini

There isn’t a holy-grail framework when it comes to marketing to the next generations; the truth lies in all beliefs and visions. Read on to discover more.